Christian & Jessy | Arizona Wedding


In case you don’t already know, I love weddings! They are by far my favorite occasion to photograph. Jessy came to us last minute in a pinch. She was in need of a photographer and was hoping we would be free for her wedding date. As luck would have it we were available and I’m beyond thankful it worked out. Icing on the cake was being able to work with my husband Eric on this project. I handled the photos while Eric took care of the video. We love when we have the opportunity to work a wedding as a couple. Knowing each other as well as we do allows us to work together seamlessly and have fun while doing it. All in all it was an amazing day with some amazing pictures to prove it.


I love every last detail when it comes to weddings. On this occasion, we started our day with the couple getting ready at a hotel. Documenting all the preparation that goes into a wedding day is a big part of wedding photography. I love it. Both Jessy and Christian were so excited as they prepared for the ceremony. The anticipation and excitement was tangible. Once the bride and groom were all ready we set up for a first look. First looks are always so much fun. There is just something about capturing the moment a couple first sees their soon to be spouse that melts my heart every single time. This was no exception. You can just feel the joy radiating from both parties.


The ceremony took place at the most beautiful church. It was an absolutely gorgeous catholic ceremony and the couple was surrounded by family and friends. Simple perfection. At the close of the ceremony we all made our way with the new Mr. and Mrs. Casillas to the reception. I’ve attended my fair share of receptions at this point but was floored by the Casillas. The reception took place at a family members house and everything was amazing. It was so neat and well done, I was truly impressed. The party was FANTASTIC. These guys know how to have a good time. The night was full of fantastic dancing and celebration of the new couple. It was the perfect way to congratulate the new Mr. & Mrs. Casillas.


The ceremony took place at the most beautiful church. It was an absolutely gorgeous catholic ceremony and the couple was surrounded by family and friends. Simple perfection. At the close of the ceremony we all made our way with the new Mr. and Mrs. Casillas to the reception. I’ve attended my fair share of receptions at this point but was floored by the Casillas. The reception took place at a family members house and everything was amazing. It was so neat and well done, I was truly impressed. The party was FANTASTIC. These guys know how to have a good time. The night was full of fantastic dancing and celebration of the new couple. It was the perfect way to congratulate the new Mr. & Mrs. Casillas.

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One of my greatest joys is photographing a wedding and I’m just so gratefiul when a couple gives me the opportunity to document their wedding. If you are in search of a wedding photographer or know someone who is I would love to connect with you!



Josh & Rylie | Arizona Couples session


Ashley & Dylan | Yuma Couples Photography